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Understanding and Managing Visual Deficits In Children: A Guide for Occupational Therapists

Suggested  Audience: This seminar is designed for therapists and assistants (occupational, physical, speech) who work with children.
Course  Description: This seminar is designed to help therapists develop a comprehensive understanding of vision and how vision can impact on the therapy process in children. A three component model of vision will be presented stressing the importance of optical, visual efficiency and visual information processing disorders. A screening battery that allows therapists to test for the most common vision problems in children will be presented. Treatment options will be discussed at length including both compensatory strategies and rehabilitative techniques (vision therapy). A therapy sequence for eye movement and visual processing disorders will be presented. Case studies will be used throughout the presentation. Testing and intervention techniques presented will be applicable to the pediatric, population.

11 hours of continuing education credit (1.0 CEUs)

Learning  Objectives:
  • Understand the complexity of the visual system
  • Identify the 3 major components of the visual system
  • Describe how various vision deficits affect performance in play, learning,and sports
  • Administer a screening battery to identify common vision disorders that can affect therapy
  • Understand the various treatment approaches available
  • Plan and implement compensatory strategies to manage vision problems interfering with therapy
  • Plan and implement direct intervention to manage vision problems interfering with therapy
Instructors:Dr. Mitchell Scheiman
Day One: Designed for those who are interested in developing a comprehensive understanding of vision, how to screen for vision problems and how vision deficits may affect performance.
Day Two: Designed primarily for therapists who want to learn how to manage vision problems in therapy.
Day One 8:30-4:00
I.Three Component Model
II.Acuity, Optics, Disease
III.Visual Efficiency Problems
 Binocular vision (eye teaming) problems
Accommodative (focusing) problems
Ocular motility (eye movement) disorders
IV.Visual Processing Problems
 Laterality and Directionality
Visual Form Perception
Visual Memory
Visual Motor Integration
VI.Screening For Visual Problems
 Screening for: Acuity, Optical Problems
Visual Field Deficits
Accommodative Disorders
Binocular Vision Disorders
Eye Movement Disorders
Visual Information Processing Disorders
Day Two 8:30-4:00
VII.Optometric Treatment
 Use of Lenses, Prism, Vision Therapy
VIII.Intervention Techniques for Therapists
V.Vision Problems by Population
This 2-day workshop will provide you with practical applications that you can use immediately to achieve results
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