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Live Interactive Webinar for Certification in Low Vision Rehabilitation

Suggested  Audience: Occupational Therapists, Speech and Language Pathologists, Vision Rehabilitation Therapists, Orientation & Mobility Specialists, Teachers for the Visually Impaired.
Course  Description: This webinar tutorial includes 21 one hour sessions, usually one per week that accompanies the 26-chapter self-study that accompanies the book: Whittaker, SG, Scheiman, M, Sokol-McKay, D.Low Vision Rehabilitation: A Practical Guide for Occupational Therapists. Slack; Thorofare, NJ, 2016. Webinars are not lectures but small-interactive tutorials where the instructor challenges the attendees to apply assigned material to real clinical problems. This program, developed for training new low vision therapists for the Canadian Vision Loss Rehabilitation For each session, usually one per week, the participant reads a chapter, passes each of the assigned chapter tests (retakes are possible), and prepares for the 1 hour webinar using the assigned webinar guide. We strongly recommend that you complete the course "Introduction to Low Vision First Response Interventions" which is included in this course of study. The Intro courses will enable you immediately start applying the material clinically as you further develop your clinical skills as part of this webinar. There is flexibility in scheduling to accommodate multiple time
Learning  Objectives: The student will... 1. Perform a comprehensive Functional Low Vision Evaluation which indicates treatment protocols 2. Perform treatments for a)impaired visual acuity including optical devices, tablet computers and electronic devices, b)impaired contrast sensitivity including sunlens and lighting, c)central field loss including eccentric viewing, 4) peripheral field loss and neglect and 5) perceptual disorders from brain injury. 3. Teach human, sighted guide technique, and activities of daily living. 4> adapt treatments for impaired cognition and depression.
Instructors:Steve Whittaker, PhD, OTR/L, CLVT
Provide the basic skills required for certification as a low vision therapist or specialty certification in low vision.
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